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  • Using Anti-Oxidants To Ensure Good Conductivity

    Anti-oxidant compounds are not a new invention or idea in the pursuit of good integrity or longevity of joint connections that make up telecommunication facilities. But their use has been popularized and improved in recent years with the advent of synthet

    Posted on:05-23 View:11
  • AC Power Line Noise - Stop The Madness

    It's just plain awful. The buzzing racket that just won't go away except on rainy days and Mondays, constantly covering up the weakest of signals (the ones you really want to hear). Line noise is an insidious form of amplitude-modulated arcing n

    Posted on:05-23 View:10
  • DC Grounded Antennas - The Myth, The Legend, The Fantasy

    This is a subject that we just had to write about. In the lightning protection business we come into contact with many people who have had both dangerous and disastrous experiences with Mother Nature. And one that has perplexed antenna use

    Posted on:05-23 View:9
  • Mobile Radio Noise Elimination

    Engine noise in the mobile radio environment is as old as radios in cars, and it still plagues users today. With cars becoming more sophisticated and on-board computers become standard fashion for modern autos, the noise production potential of a car&apos

    Posted on:05-23 View:8
  • Coaxial cable and its' Application

    Coaxial cable is a type of copper cable specially built with a metal shield and other components engineered to block signal interference. It is primarily used by cable TV companies to connect their satellite antenna facilities to customer homes and busine

    Posted on:05-23 View:12
  • ​More About Grounding And Shielding

    Grounding-and-shieldingWhen it comes to installing electric and electronic equipment – like frequency converters – proper grounding of the equipment and using shielded cables plays an important role in creating a safe and noise free working environment.

    Posted on:05-23 View:8
  • Solving Telepone RF Interference - Helpful Hints And Suggestions

    With the increasing popularity of complex and computer-aided home telephone units manufactured by numerous companies worldwide comes a corresponding increase in both the quantity and severity of telephone interference caused by local radio broadcast transmitters. The new telephones, b

    Posted on:05-23 View:14
  • Resolving 6 Meter Amateur Interference

    Transmitting operations in the 50-54 MHz range offer some unique problems that over the past 50 years have stymied station owners, forcing them to tolerate quiet hours and hostility from family and neighbors attempting to enjoy other electronic services. The 6 Meter band has

    Posted on:05-23 View:14
  • Lowpass Filters: It's What You Have And You Do With It!

    Lowpass filters are primarily a passive device used in the transmission and reception of radio signals in the HF frequency range (3-30 MHz). Their intended purpose is to prevent the radiation of signals above 30 MHz that often emanate from transmitters du

    Posted on:05-23 View:33
  • Grounding Coaxial Cable Shields: Why, Where, and How

    Even today it's a controversial subject - but we don't know why. The purpose and importance of grounding coaxial line shields is so critical to safe and clean telecommunication station operation that it should not be a matter of discussion, except as a how-to subject such as

    Posted on:05-23 View:21
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