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  • How to Demodulate an AM Waveform

    Radio Frequency Demodulation Learn about two circuits that can extract the original information from an amplitude-modulated carrier signal. At this point we know that modulation refers to intentionally modifying a sinusoid such that it can carry lower-frequency information

    Posted on:05-22 View:91
  • Comparing and Contrasting Amplitude, Frequency, and Phase Modulation

    Radio Frequency Modulation How do the different modulation schemes compare in terms of performance and applications? Let’s take a look. It’s important to understand the salient characteristics of the three types of RF modulation. But this information doesn’t exist

    Posted on:05-22 View:25
  • Digital Phase Modulation: BPSK, QPSK, DQPSK

    Radio Frequency Modulation Digital phase modulation is a versatile and widely used method of wirelessly transferring digital data. In the previous page, we saw that we can use discrete variations in a carrier’s amplitude or frequency as a way of representing ones and zeros.

    Posted on:05-22 View:58
  • Digital Modulation: Amplitude and Frequency

    Radio Frequency Modulation Though based on the same concepts, digital-modulation waveforms look quite different from their analog counterparts. Though far from extinct, analog modulation is simply incompatible with a digital world. We no longe

    Posted on:05-22 View:23
  • Phase Modulation: Theory, Time Domain, Frequency Domain

    Radio Frequency Modulation Phase modulation is similar to frequency modulation and is an important technique in digital communication systems. We have all heard of AM radio and FM radio. But phase modulation seems to be in a different category—“PM radio” is by no means a com

    Posted on:05-22 View:29
  • Amplitude Modulation in RF: Theory, Time Domain, Frequency Domain

    " Radio frequency (RF) is the oscillation rate of an alternating electric current or voltage or of a magnetic, electric or electromagnetic field or mechanical system in the frequency range from around 20 kHz to around 300 GHz. ----- FMUSER "

    Posted on:05-22 View:80
  • The 50 Ω Question: Impedance Matching in RF Design

    Real-Life RF Signals Impedance matching is a fundamental aspect of RF design and testing; the signal reflections caused by mismatched impedances can lead to serious problems. Matching seems like a trivial exercise when you’re dealing with a theoretical circuit composed of a

    Posted on:05-22 View:14
  • Understanding Reflections and Standing Waves in RF Circuit Design

    Real-Life RF Signals High-frequency circuit design must account for two important though somewhat mysterious phenomena: reflections and standing waves. We know from our exposure to other branches of science that waves are associated with special types of behavior. Light wav

    Posted on:05-22 View:40
  • Transmission Line and RF

    Real-Life RF Signals High-frequency interconnects require special consideration because they often behave not as ordinary wires but rather as transmission lines. In low-frequency systems, components are connected by wires or PCB traces. The resistance of these conductive el

    Posted on:05-22 View:14
  • Coupling and Leakage in RF Systems

    Real-Life RF Signals RF design and analysis requires an understanding of the complex ways in which high-frequency signals move through a real circuit. RF design is known to be particularly challenging among the various subdisciplines of electrical engineering. One

    Posted on:05-22 View:12
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