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How to Solder a UHF Termination for a UHF Antenna

Date:2015/2/4 9:32:22 Hits:

UHF termination connectors, or PL-259 connectors as they are commonly called, are used to connect the end of a coaxial cable to a UHF antenna. Soldering these connectors is the process of connecting the PL-259 connector to the cable, as solder will provide a secure and stable connection for the smooth flow of electrical signals. The melted solder will bond the wire from the coaxial cable to the connector, so that the cable and connector make a solid connection with the UHF connector on the antenna. The better the connection, the better the signal, resulting in better overall reception.

Things You'll Need
Coaxial cable stripper
UHF connector (PL-259)
Wire cutters
Soldering iron
Wire brush

1.Strip about one and a half inches of the black outer cover off one end of the coaxial cable, by inserting it into the large end of the coaxial cable stripper labeled cover/insulation stripper. With the outer black cover removed, peel back the wire mesh to expose the white PVC/plastic insulation around the center conductor.

2.Flip the coaxial cable stripper over to the other end with the small hole, and insert one inch of the white insulation on the cable through the stripper hole. Rotate the stripper around the insulation to cut and strip it away from the center conductor.

3.Insert the end of the coaxial cable into the end of the UHF connector, so that the center conductor/wire is inserted into the hollow point on the connector. Push the connector down onto the cable until it slides down over the black outer cover.

4.Cut the center conductor/wire even with the hollow point on the end of the connector.

5.Soldering iron with solder touching the tip.Plug the soldering iron into an outlet and allow it to heat up to operating temperature. The light on the handle of the soldering iron will light up when the iron is ready for use.

6.Touch the end of the soldering iron to the end of the hollow pin on the end of the connector where the center conductor from the cable extends through. Heat the tip and wire, as you touch the solder to the end of the connector. Melt just enough solder to bond the center conductor wire to the hollow pin.

7.Unplug the soldering iron and allow it to cool to room temperature.

8.Use the wire brush to smooth and brush away any loose solder on the tip of the connector.

9.Screw the connector into the female connector on the UHF antenna, by inserting the hollow pin into the female connector, and then screwing the threads on the connector in a clockwise direction to tighten the two together.

Tips & Warnings

You can use lead-free solder as an option to avoid any potential health risks from the smoke of the melted solder and breathing it internally.
Avoid touching the tip of the soldering iron to any part of the body, as it can cause severe burns.
Use caution when handling the connector after soldering, as it will conduct heat and remain warm for a few minutes.

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