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What is low power FM

Date:2015/11/2 9:55:12 Hits:
All over the country there are radio stations pumping out high-powered content with the power of a light bulb. Low power FM stations (LPFMs) are a forum for nonprofits, schools, churches, community centers, farmworker organizations, unions, environmentalists, and just about anyone else who wants to amplify their message.

The FCC launched the low power FM service in 2000 after grassroots pressure demanded community control of the airwaves. The service is entirely commercial-free, and licenses were only granted to nonprofit organizations. Low power FM stations can operate at a maximum power of 100 watts, which generally provides coverage within three to five miles.

Unfortunately, as the FCC was starting to license new stations, Congress put a hault to it after a lobbying campaign by corporate broadcasters, which restricted new licensing opportunities. Ten years later, after a fight lead Prometheus and our allies, the Local Community Radio Act was signed into law in January of 2011, freeing the FCC to license new low power FM stations. In October and Novemember of 2013 over 2,800 groups applied for new low power FM licenses, and, for the first time, in major urban areas.

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