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When did FM broadcasts begin?

Date:2015/10/31 10:35:09 Hits:
On December 26, 1933, Edwin Howard Armstrong was issued five basic patents on his FM system. (There is published record of Westinghouse and KDKA building experimental FM operations even before Armstrong's 1935 demos.) At the same time, it is important to remember that many stations in the "VHF" band were still amplitude modulated. Actual "official" FM operations began in 1940/41.

Major Armstrong (U.S. Signal Corps, WWI) conducted the first regular transmissions of the FM techniques used today beginning in 1935 on a frequency of 42.1 MHz from a transmitter loaned him by RCA atop the Empire State Building in New York. On April 10, 1938, Armstrong began the experimental station W2XMN on 43.7 MHz. at 600 Watts. "Full Power of 35,000 Watts and regular programming was reportly begun on July 18, 1939. The station lasted until 1954.

Several more stations began regular "program service" in 1940 as GE and other manufacturers started making quantities of FM receivers. All were still considered "experimental" and were operated without commercial content.

The FCC permitted regular "commercial operation"  of FM stations in 1941, and the first commercial FM station, W47NV (now WSM-FM) in Nashville, signed on during New Year's Day of 1941.

The first Non-Commercial FM station was KALW, San Francisco. Owned by the SF Unified School District, this station was licensed in March of 1941, and apparently signed on officially sometime between then and September.  (This station was equipped with a converted RCA unit, given to the District after the 1939-40 Golden Gate International Exposition.

Armstrong also operated a subcarrier on that transmitter and demonstrated transmission of facsimile, to show that newspapers might also be delivered by radio broadcast stations. His facsimile demonstrations were carried on later by a number of FM stations, most notably those of the Cox broadcast and newspaper group, including WIOD-FM in Miami.

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