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Homemade FM Antennas

Date:2014/9/3 9:21:02 Hits:
Radios and other broadcasting instruments that receive electromagnetic waves from transmitters and convert them into electrical current, and vice versa, use antennas. FM, or frequency modulation, provides superior quality sound signals to the listeners. You can make an efficient and inexpensive antenna at home.

The Facts

An FM radio -- whether a separate unit or part of a sound system -- uses a wire to detect radio signals that may give you better sound quality. A homemade FM antenna properly detects radio signals without the use of expensive materials.


The supplies needed for an FM antenna include a coat hanger for making an electromagnetic receiver, 6 feet of wire for connecting it to the radio and an insulation tape.


You can customize your antenna by selecting the frequency of FM channels you want to receive. The higher the frequency, the shorter the antenna; for example, a frequency of 87 to 90 requires about 10 feet of wire.

Geographical obstacles such as mountains and interference from other radio stations and communication devices such as walkie-talkies can disturb the frequency your antenna receives.

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