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Wideband noise amplifier is in die form

Date:2014/9/3 9:15:04 Hits:
Designed for microwave radio and VSAT, telecomms infrastructure, test instrumentation, military and space, and fibre optics, the CMD206 is a DC to 50GHz distributed low noise amplifier in die form.

Available from Custom MMIC, it has a noise figure of less than 3.5dB, a gain of greater than 11dB, and an output 1dB compression point of +12dBm at 30GHz. The amplifier requires an all-positive bias of only 4V at 32mA (drain), 3V (gate).

An external drain bias network and input blocking capacitor are required for proper operation. The die offers full passivation for increased reliability and moisture protection, claims the company.

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