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How to Increase FM Transmission Range

Date:2014/2/12 10:41:27 Hits:

The process of transmitting a FM signal requires that a radio pick up the transmitted signal and play the signal on a specific frequency, also referred to as radio station.There are many issues that will prevent an FM transmission from being able to travel the desired distance, including interference from objects, transmission equipment and the physical environment.Increasing the FM transmission is a fairly straightforward process, but it may require physically moving your transmitter to a place that is more suitable.


1.Increase FM transmission by raising or using a longer antenna.The higher up the antenna is physically, the longer the transmission range is.An ideal antenna height is 60 to 70 feet on relatively flat terrain.Rather than extend the antenna, consider mounting it on a higher surface.

2.Move the FM transmitter to flatter terrain.Transmitting in areas where there are physical obstructions such as buildings, hills and trees will significantly block your FM transmission.Move to a flatter area.Also transmitting closer to other FM transmissions will interfere with your signal.

3.Broadcast your signal with a stronger FM transmitter.Generally, it takes two to four times the power to double the transmission distance.A broadcast signal of 40 watts can reach a distance of 10 miles, while a signal of 15 watts will only transmit within a five-mile radius.

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