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Homemade TV Antenna Booster

Date:2014/10/31 11:01:45 Hits:
The purpose of an indoor TV antenna is to pull in the television signals being sent by TV broadcast towers. These broadcast towers are typically many miles away from the average household--causing the signals reaching the TV antenna to be too weak to display properly. A homemade TV antenna booster will amplify the signals from the broadcast towers. Some tools commonly found around the house and an item from a grocery store are all that is needed. Neither the indoor TV antenna or the TV the antenna is connected to will be negatively affected by the addition of the homemade TV antenna booster.

Things You'll Need

    Glass bowel
    Potato chip tube
    Paper towel
    Utility knife
    Masking tape


1.Place a sheet of newspaper on at table to protect the surface. Empty out a potato chip tube into a glass bowl for consuming later. Wipe out the inside of the potato chip bowl to remove excess grease with a paper towel. Measure the width of the end of the TV antenna with the ruler.

2.Stand the potato chip tube on the newspaper with the open end facing up. Measure four inches up from the bottom of the tube. Cut a hole in the side of the tube at the four inch mark with the blade of the utility knife.

3. Widen the hole with the blade of the utility knife until it is a bit bigger than the end of the TV antenna. Smooth out the hole by twisting the blade of the utility knife around the inside so that none of the foil on the inside is peeking out of the hole.

4.Place the end of the TV antenna into the hole in the side of the tube that is now a homemade antenna booster. Rotate the tube so that the open end faces the general direction of the TV broadcast towers.

5.Tape the homemade antenna booster with strips of masking tape so that it continues to face the general direction of the TV broadcast towers.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use duct tape to attach your homemade TV booster on the TV antenna--duct tape will inhibit the signal.

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