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The Difference Between Analog Mixer and Digital Mixer

Date:2013/12/5 0:08:51 Hits:

As the recording medium, and computer applications spreads out in the broadcasting industry,they've evolved from handheld digital interview machine to full automated broadcast system , then to audio workstation in the form of tapeless broadcast are all coming to reality. The digitals audio exsits throughtout the whole process of signal acquisition , processing and broadcasting.  Most radio stations are composed of digital audio workstation desktop computer -based system , the main components of which are a personal computer, a sound card  and workstation related software ( broadcast control , recording and other software ) .

Since most of the stations are still using analog equipments, in this transition period from analog to digital, some of the peripheral devices already have digitized connection conditions, they have digital singal interfaces and can support transmission in digital audio formats, yet due to fact that the core equipment is still analog mixers, the digital signals are still need to be converted to analog signal. For example, YAMAHA Olv is a analog mixer controlled digitally, it does not have the digital extention card, there are very few digital external devices too, the digital function can only funciton inside of the mixer, the main application of its digital use is the sound effect, environment processing, its advantages are still not fully realized.

Products are under fast path of upgrading, it's becoming more and more important of how to choose a reliable , cost-effective , applicable digital live mixing console.

The difference between digital and analog mixer.

Digital mixer is generated on the basis of analog mixer, this is the biggest difference between digital mixer and analog mixer. People are very familiar with the use of analog mixers, that's why most of the digital mixers are disigned simialr in apperance with analog mixers. But the singal processing method is very different.

The main function of analog mixer is to process continuous ananlog singals,except from the general functions of amplifying, distributing,mixing,transmitting, it can also handle the following functions:

( 1 ) Matching the level and impedance ;
( 2 ) Amplify signal and equalize frequency;
( 3 ) Dynamic processing of signals ;
( 4 )Singal distribution and mixing ;
( 5 ) Create special effects as needed , sometimes for special treatment by the external auxiliary equipment.

The main function of the digital mixer is also processing the audio signal , but the specific treatment target is already sampled , quantized , encoded digital signals , these signals include two major audio and control signals , digital mixer through more a wide range of signal processing program algorithm , the control circuit and signal processing circuit digital mixer all digital, digital audio signals via an interface to the file ( or data stream) transmission, which knobs, switches , sliders , etc. control the amount of the actual audio signal is no longer a traditional analog mixer , but the digital control signal algorithms , digital signal processing mixer more flexible , more accurate, more processes and results display image .
For example, comparing the dynamic range is only up this argument , usually after a series of analog audio processing system , the dynamic range is about 60 dB, while the internal operations on 32 bit digital mixer , the dynamic range can reach 168 ~ 192 dB. It can be said that a digital mixer efficacy similar to the full functionality of an audio workstations including hardware and software processing . 2 digital mixer module basic structure and function of a digital mixer from the appearance of the form may be quite different, but the basic structure is mainly composed of the following parts , including a look similar to a separate multi-channel input and output modules workstation .

( 1 ) 1/ 0 interface , the interface is equivalent to the input and output signals analog mixer , while the majority of the digital mixer analog interface card slot can be used for connecting analog devices currently used to support these analog inputs table seamless transition to all-digital, digital interfaces are AES / EBU, S / PDIF standards.
( 2 ) the signal processing section (DSP) is the core of digital mixer , and is responsible for a variety of digital signal processing , machining , which largely determine the quality level of functionality and quality of the entire mixer .
( 3 ) Mixer control part , this is the man-machine dialogue interface , analog mixer body looks like , but the components are just some manipulation with faders , knobs , lights , audio itself is not passed signal , some mixers can also connect the video monitor , keyboard , mouse, use of personnel and hardware through software manipulation manipulation effect is the same .
( 4 ) Mixer host ( computer-controlled part of the CPU), combined with software running , the entire execution of the command console , signal flow control.
( 5 ) similar to the power section , and analog mixer , generally use a separate external power supply module.

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