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Key Issues To Be Considered When Building Emergency Broadcasting Radio System

Date:2013/12/28 17:58:45 Hits:

Key Issues To Be Considered When Building Emergency Broadcasting Radio System

   May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred in so far it is fresh, it is forever in the hearts of the Chinese people the pain . According to reports, the earthquake caused direct economic losses of over 845 billion , the number of dead and missing over 87,000 . One minute before the earthquake , if even ten seconds or tens of seconds , people earthquake disaster areas can receive notice , or if , like March 11, 2011 earthquake occurred in eastern Japan as 12 seconds after the earthquake , millions of people nationwide to get earthquake alerts and notifications , how we can avoid secondary damage , many people save their lives ?

    The key issue emergency broadcast system construction - Public Emergency Broadcast Technology Innovation Alliance established.

    This is a very difficult thing , depending on disaster forecasting capabilities and a mechanism to transfer information out of two depending on whether they have a system and mature. The former is a long-term challenges facing mankind , scientists have been dedicated to research in this area ; latter is not an easy thing , you need to establish a set of state and government throughout the country and city emergency response system.

     In this emergency system, broadcasting is a very important part. The possibility of communication systems and electrical systems were destroyed disaster is very large, while the anti- disaster capacity radio broadcasts have to be much stronger , unfortunately , at present we still do not have such a national emergency broadcast system, and the good news is , after a after including Wenchuan, Ya'an , Lushan, Yushu earthquake disaster and sleet and a series of disasters , the state has set up an emergency system as a priority, the State Press and Publication Administration of Radio, is also studying the development of emergency broadcast system , the Sichuan Province as a pilot conduct the corresponding work areas .

    During the Sichuan TV Festival , I saw Beijing North Canton Mr. Ye Jin Technology Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer and Senior Technical Director , Ye talked about some of the issues he construction of the emergency broadcasting system should be of concern.

    Emergency system should first be based on the existing broadcasting system , our country has a perfect radio, television, shortwave broadcast and village ring systems, which after years of construction and maintenance , sound system, there is no need to build a new emergency system instead, we should add the necessary technical aspects on this basis , to complete the task before and after disasters informed . For example, when the infrastructure is damaged, immediately drove to the scene of emergency radio , emergency vehicles with FM TV broadcasting system , loudspeaker systems, simple editing and broadcasting system, you can quickly record a program in the field and sent through the broadcast system out.

    Meanwhile, in the receiving terminal equipment emergency system is a very important part in Japan, every household has an emergency cabinet radio, Dynamo , guaranteed to receive an alert signal and broadcast important information . Ye that, to give full play to the role of the family now , and people of all terminals in the hands of individuals , such as set-top boxes , televisions, radios , including communications and Internet terminals , namely mobile phones , iPad and so on. From a technical standpoint, the existing radio receiver module as the largest individual terminal phone standard , and enable it to have been destroyed in the communications base stations, broadcast messages can not be received when the call is technically not a difficulty this requires communication and broadcasting industry in the establishment of national emergency broadcast system to work together to save lives and property of the people as the first and the goal of reunification . In the emergency broadcasting, has no radio, communications and Internet boundaries , but rather the national interest, therefore , three interconnection communication mechanism must be established at this time , and improve emergency broadcasting system it becomes increasingly important to national standards only through a standard , all the equipment to make the whole system work .

    Sichuan TV Festival , the author learned that the "public emergency broadcast technology innovation alliance " has been established in November 16 , including research institutes, universities and enterprises , including a 28 unit joined the alliance began working construction China 's emergency broadcast system.

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