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  • Tips Might Help You Reach a Bigger Audience

    Most radio stations need to make money to survive, and they do this through advertising. The amount of money businesses are willing to pay for radio advertising depends on the size and type of audience a station attracts. If you run a radio station, no m

    Posted on:06-04 View:7
  • Tips on Making Your Radio Station More Succesful.

    What is a successful internet radio station? Is it having a large audience that keeps coming back, attracting new listeners, or getting revenue from ads? However you define success for your own online radio station, here are a few tips to help you become

    Posted on:06-04 View:10
  • Report: Listening to radio makes people feel happier

    Radio also makes people feel more informed, with news, traffic updates, radio personalities and the live feel all being key reasons for choosing radio. A survey of 1,200 Australian radio listeners was conducted, with 85% of respondents agreeing they tune in because radio enterta

    Posted on:06-04 View:7
  • Useful Tips on ​How to obtain more listeners for your Radio Station

    Starting your own online radio station is an exciting project, however building up your audience can sometimes appear to be an overwhelming task. We’ve put together some top tips in order to help you get more listeners to tune in to your radio station. D

    Posted on:06-04 View:8
  • ​Radio: How radio programmers might reach younger listeners

    A tale of two sons: Obviously, two people and their friends are not representative of the general population as a whole. But the following stories are both cautionary. And a little bit hopeful. My older son, Sebastian, is in town on summer break. As

    Posted on:06-04 View:7
  • The Rise of Radio

    Radio, the oldest broadcast medium, is in transition. The overall amount of listening remains as high as ever and listeners are benefiting from a rapid increase in the number and range of stations they can choose from, including new community statio

    Posted on:06-04 View:8
  • Definition to Digital Audio Broadcast - DAB

    Digital audio broadcasting is a communication system that transmits voice, music and other types of information using digital transmission. The DAB signal is typically shared with additional digital information on a single digital radio channel. Digital Audio Broadcas

    Posted on:06-04 View:11
  • To Stay Put or Go Digital: The Future of Radio

    Radio’s relationship with the music industry has changed dramatically in a few short years. In its prime, radio was the dominant medium for music discovery – both new hits and back catalog. Today, radio exists in a sea of options and online alternat

    Posted on:06-04 View:8
  • ‘Calls From Home’: A Radio Show Bringing Hope to Inmates in Remote Rur...

    The Red Onion Prison in Pound, Virginia. Amelia Kirby was driving in a particularly beautiful part of her home county in the late 1990s when she noticed the construction. She thought it was yet another strip mine, taking off the tops of mo

    Posted on:06-04 View:8
  • Why Radio Is Still Being Needed?

    In the radio industry, the key to staying relevant is continuously seeking ways to foster connections with local communities. Because of this, industry leaders are always implementing strategic techniques and engaging in new efforts. So what can you expect to see from radio in the fut

    Posted on:06-04 View:8
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