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Why Does Broadcast Digital TV Often Freeze or Lose Audio?

Date:2016/1/14 14:54:19 Hits:
By Tommy Charles
eHow Contributor

Broadcast Digital TV often freezes or loses audio because the signal strength from the transmitter dips below a key level, or because of interference near the digital TV box. While some factors involved in pixelation may be out of your control, there is still a lot that you can do to minimize it.


•Pixelation occurs when the digital signal coming from a station's transmitter falls below a certain strength threshold. Pixelation is the digital equivalent to a fuzzy, wavy picture on an analog set. An important difference between the two is that an analog system can become unviewable by degrees, whereas a compromised digital TV signal may go completely dark after only a few moments of pixelation. Audio failure often accompanies pixelation, and signifies a problem with the station's transmitter, your antenna or your digital TV box.

Weak Signal and Interference

•Any electrical devices that you have in your home can create interference for the digital TV signal. The big culprits are heating and cooling systems and refrigerators. Interference from these sources can cause pixelation, and may last a few seconds to several minutes. You may also receive interference from the outside environment in the form of trees swaying in the wind or adverse weather. Either of these two circumstances can cause noticeable dips in signal strength.

The Antenna

•You may experience pixelation and gaps in audio if you are using an indoor antenna that is not powerful enough. The size of your antenna should correspond to the strength level of the signal that you receive from the transmitter. If you are near a transmitter, a basic indoor antenna should suffice. If you have a weak signal due to tree coverage or distance from a transmitter, you may have to upgrade to a more sophisticated indoor antenna or an outdoor aerial. This can be the fastest way to resolve pixelation issues.

Improving Reception

•If you receive periodic short bursts of pixelation or audio interference, you should check the electrical devices in your house. Do so by turning them on and off during periods of pixelation. Through the process of elimination, you may be able to identify the culprit. Additionally, If at all possible, move the digital TV box several feet away from other digital devices such as computers, DVD players and digital telephones. Finally, move the indoor antenna as close to a window as possible, with as much elevation as possible. The top of the TV is not necessarily the best location for it.

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