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How to Pick an HDTV Signal Booster

Date:2015/9/23 10:04:55 Hits:

By Peter Grant

HDTV signal boosters help your high-definition TV receive antenna-based high-definition stations better than a traditional TV antenna. Since the advent of HDTV, the majority of HD broadcasts have had to be delivered digitally. Thanks to advances in signal boosters and broadcasting technology, you no longer need a digital cable service to view HD broadcast television. Instead, you can attach an HD signal booster to your existing TV antenna and view HD content that's sent from broadcast television networks, such as local sports and news stations. You can follow a few quick steps to pick an HDTV booster that's right for you.


1.Test out the reception of your current antenna's HD reception capabilities by browsing through the different HD stations and taking note of the reception level. Ensure that you are indeed navigating to the HD stations; otherwise you will only view standard-definition television content.

2.Compile your notes on the reception issues and revisit the TV and its HD channels. Try to perform different tweaks to the positioning of the antenna to determine if there are inconsistencies with HD channel reception. If you find inconsistencies, then you will need to purchase an HDTV signal booster.

3.Visit your local electronics retail store that sells HDTVs and other related equipment, as they will most likely have a wide selection of signal boosters from which you can choose.

4.Select an HDTV signal booster based on its boosting strength and its compatibility with your TV, which will be printed on the back of the signal booster's packaging. If you historically have poor reception, then pick a signal booster that can offer the highest boost in antenna reception power. If the HDTV reception is good at your house, but sometimes inconsistent, a lesser expensive model can be chosen to help even out the inconsistencies in reception.

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