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How to Use RF Modulators

Date:2015/8/12 14:28:38 Hits:

The advent of DVD players and home video game systems has transformed the world of home entertainment. For some people, however, the switch has not been so easy. People with older televisions--which lack audio/video inputs--are not able to hook many of these devices directly up to their TVs. Enter the RF modulator, which allows those people to use many newer devices with their existing TV, as long as it has an input for cable or an antenna。

Things You'll Need

•One set of audio/visual cables Two pieces of coaxial cable


1.Take one piece of coaxial cable and run it from your TV antenna or cable source into the "Antenna In" input on the back of the RF modulator.

2.Take the second piece of coaxial cable and run it from the "To TV" output on the back of the RF Modulator to the cable/antenna in hookup on the TV.

3.Connect one end of the red, yellow and white audio/video cables to the back of the RF Modulator and the other end to the DVD player, video game system or other device you are hooking up.

4.Locate the channel switch on the RF Modulator. This allows you to use either channel 3 or 4 on your TV as the source channel for the device you are hooking up.

5.Tune your TV to the same station that you selected on your RF Modulator.

6.Turn on your DVD player, video game system or other device.

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