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Question list Questionnaire for building FM Radio stations

Date:2015/11/26 18:08:37 Hits:

Recently we have received many inquires about building FM radio stations from different customers, however, sometimes our customers are not quite sure what information they should provide to make us understand their needs. Thus we have made a question list as below for us to understand better.


Q1: How many kilometers do you want to cover in radius?

Q2:Where exactly will you set up the station?  
Q3:Where do you want to broadcast the radio station? 
Q4: Do you have a tower for antenna installation?
Q5: How high can you install the antenna? 
Q6: What is the frequency for your radio station?
Q7: Do you need studio equipments for the station?
Q8: Is your station and studio in the same place?
Q9: How much is your budget?

To explain better for Question No.1, please check the picture below:

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