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NBN tower interferes with television

Date:2015/11/23 10:45:28 Hits:
A WOOMBAH resident has sent Page MP Kevin Hogan an invoice for the cost of buying and installing a television antennae filter to counteract severe interference from the nearby NBN Co tower.

Dane Webb, a former network engineer who lives in Woombah, said many residents were experiencing the interference caused by the high frequency 4G LTE transmissions from the nearby NBN Co fixed wireless tower.

"What's really upset me is I live in a really small community and there's a lot of elderly people here and they're going 'oh our TV's not working anymore' and it's causing a lot of concern," he said.

Mr Webb said the interference was "definitely" caused by the high frequency 4G NBN tower as filters for the low frequency Telco interference hadn't worked.

"The Telco is Telstra 4G (which) is 6.5km away, and the Telco filter doesn't work," he said.

"The problem only gets solved when you apply the NBN Co filter.

"When the UK turned on its fixed wireless broadband, it said to residents, you are going to have television interference, so here's your free device.

"Our government, on the other hand, is running for the hills saying 'no, no, it can't possibly be the fixed wireless that's causing it'."

Mr Webb said the government should be responsible for paying for the cost of purchasing and installing filters for residents whose television signal was affected by the NBN Co infrastructure.

"If a Telco or NBN Co is transmitting a signal that interferes with my enjoyment of television then they need to compensate me for that," he said.

An NBN Co spokeswoman said there were strict protocols around broadcast transmissions.

"All radio operators including television broadcasters, mobile carriers and NBN Fixed Wireless license certain radio spectrum," she said. "Transmission within the licensed bands is strictly monitored and enforced."

Visionstream, who are rolling out the NBN, issued a statement saying the network would not cause interference with television or radio reception, mobile phones or electronics.

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