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What external factors affect our TV reception

Date:2015/10/19 9:42:41 Hits:
Your location plays a big part. Naturally, the farther away from the TV tower you are, the weaker the signal will be. If you live in a valley, a depression, next to a cliff or are surrounded by taller buildings, your reception will be hampered, as electromagnetic waves are bounced or absorbed by these natural and man-made features.

To a lesser degree, the climate and atmosphere also play a role, with inclement or severe weather able to hinder signal transmission. If the weather gods play their cards right, though, it's possible to (faintly) receive analog TV transmission from Melbourne in Sydney.

Another minor player is one of the after effects of the Big Bang. There's a small amount of leftover heat from this universe-creating explosion that permeates through everything, and it interferes with all broadcasts in the form of cosmic microwave background radiation. You can see it most clearly if you flick to any analog channel that doesn't have a TV channel transmitting on it.

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