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Four Or More Layers Cabling Experience Of High-speed PCB Board

Date:2015/10/14 12:02:34 Hits:
1. 3 points above connection, try to make the line passes through the points, easy to test, line length as short as possible.

2. try not to put a line between the pins, especially in and around between the integrated circuit pin.

3.  the line between the different layers so as not parallel, in order to avoid the formation of actual capacitance.

4. the wiring as much as possible in a straight line, or 45 degree line, to avoid electromagnetic radiation.

5. ground, power lines above at least 10-15mil (logic circuit).

6. try to make flooring polylines together, increasing ground contact area. Try neatly between lines.

7. pay attention to uniform emission components to install, plug-ins, the welding operation. Text emissions in the current character level, reasonable location, pay attention to orientation, to avoid being blocked, ease of production.

8. more consideration emission element structure, there are positive and negative chip components should be in the package and the final mark, avoid space collisions.

9. the current can be used 4-5mil wiring boards, but usually for 6mil width, 8mil line spacing, 12 / 20mil pad. Wiring, etc. should consider the impact of sink current.

10. function block elements together as much as possible, LCD and other nearby components zebra can not rely on it too.

11. vias to be painted green oil (set to a negative value doubled).

12. under the battery holder is best not to place pads over waited in vain, reasonable PAD and VIL size.

13. after the completion of wiring to carefully check each one on-line (including NETLABLE) really connected (available lighting method).

14. the oscillation circuit element as much as possible * near IC, oscillator circuit susceptible to interference as far away from the antenna and other areas. Oscillator to put ground pads.

15. more consideration reinforcement, hollowing out a variety of ways to put elements, etc., to avoid excessive radiation.

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