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Date:2015/1/14 10:05:36 Hits:
Numbers coming out of a Morgan Stanley survey released to its investors, and reported on Quartz, show radio is healthy, very healthy indeed. Morgan Stanley conducted a survey of just over 2,000 American adults and 86% of the respondents said they use AM/FM radio. YouTube was second among those surveyed at 62%, Pandora 33%, TV music channels 27% and iHeartRadio at 19%. The data seems to suggest that when it comes to music, listeners still prefer radio, and when listening to streamers, they'd rather get it for free.
The survey also asked respondents what music services they hadn't heard of, radio tops that list with 2% unfamiliar with terrestrial radio. You have to wonder if that 2% has been living in a faraday cage. Following radio with familiarity were: YouTube, SiriusXM, Pandora and iTunes Radio. At the bottom of the list were: Rdio, GrooveShark and Deezer. 83% reported unfamiliarity with Deezer. 

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