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How to Start an FM Non-Commercial Radio Station

Date:2014/9/26 10:22:38 Hits:

Starting your own non-commercial FM radio station is much less difficult today than it has been in the past. The U.S. Government has made it possible for low power stations to broadcast on the commercial FM radio band. Low power FM stations fall under the same technical guidelines as commercial FM stations and are licensed and regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. All Low Power FM stations must be non-profit, provide educational programming and be operated by community based organizations. Although the steps in putting together a non-commercial FM radio station can seem daunting, broadcasting information and entertainment to your local community can be a very rewarding experience.

Things You'll Need
Affiliation with a non-profit, community based organization.
Broadcast engineering consultant.
Legal counsel familiar with the broadcast license application process.

1.Determine which FM frequencies are available in your community for low power FM broadcasting. This is a very technical process and will require the services of a consulting broadcast engineer. The Federal Communications Commission has strict guidelines that protect stations from interfering with each other. A professional engineer will be knowledgeable in federal rules and regulations governing low power FM broadcasting.

2.Apply for a low power FM broadcast license. The Federal Government has very strict guidelines for which persons and organizations can obtain a broadcast license. The application process is very meticulous. Obtaining legal council familiar with the procedure is very important in making sure your application will be considered for approval. Once approved you will be issued a construction permit to build your non-commercial radio station.

3.Determine what broadcasting equipment you will need for your low power FM station. Broadcast transmitters, antennas, studio consoles, microphones and associated equipment can be very expensive when purchased new. However, many broadcasters will sell used equipment after they upgrade. Purchasing used broadcast gear can be very beneficial if you are working with a tight budget.

Tips & Warnings
1.Forward planning is a must. Your studio location, the type of programming you will broadcast and more are required to be included in your application to acquire a low power FM license.

2.Never attempt to broadcast without first obtaining a broadcast license. Federal law prohibits such actions.

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