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How to Set Up a Community Radio Station

Date:2014/7/19 9:13:49 Hits:

1.Determine the nature and purpose of your community radio station. This not only establishes what and who you will need going forward, but it will have a bearing on your band and station placement.

2.Name your community radio station. Choose an informal name and create a list of call letters you would like. You are encouraged to create a list of call letter options in case your first choice is already in use.

3.Get a broadcasting license. Register your community station with your region's appropriate broadcasting governing body. Visit the FCC website to apply online or download the appropriate forms if your station is in the United States.

4.Secure an appropriate office space for your equipment and staff. Depending on the regulations of your local broadcast governing body, you might not be allowed to run your station from a personal residence.

5.Purchase and install your broadcast equipment. Connect your music players, microphones, headphones and a telephone line to your broadcast console. Use the broadcast console to control all volume levels and on-air presence. Connect the broadcast console to your transmitter. Connect your transmitter to your antenna.

6.Hire or appoint a staff if necessary. Unless you plan to do everything yourself, you will need hosts, station hands, station managers and possibly a board of directors. Hire or appoint trustworthy individuals to share your station's responsibilities.

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