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FCC Radio License Requirements

Date:2014/7/18 9:13:22 Hits:
The FCC, or Federal Communications Commission, requires that anyone broadcasting on the radio must first apply for and receive a license to do so. This is to prevent radio broadcasts from interfering with one another and creating chaos in the airwaves.

There are different types of licenses for AM stations, FM commercial and FM noncommercial stations. The FCC advises applicants that radio stations are in very high demand, and there is no guarantee that there will be a frequency available in your area.

AM Station License
An AM (amplitude modulation) station can be licensed on a frequency of 540 kHz to 1700 kHz. You must apply during a specific period of time, or filing window, announced publicly by the FCC (available on their website:

The application consists of FCC Form 301 and is filed electronically through the FCC's website. Commercial AM stations must also include Form 159, along with an application fee.

The purpose of the application is to prove that your chosen frequency will not interfere with other broadcasts on that frequency worldwide, or adjacent ones in your broadcast area. This usually requires the analysis and testimonial of a broadcast engineering consultant.

FM Commercial Station License
An FM (frequency modulation) station can be licensed on a frequency of 92.1 MHz to 107.9 MHz. You must apply during a specific period of time, or filing window, announced publicly by the FCC (available on their website:

he first requirement is to electronically file FCC Form 301, which is an application for a construction permit. Then you must electronically file FCC Form 159 and pay a rulemaking fee and an application fee.

On the same day, you must also file a petition with the Office of the Secretary indicating the new channel you are proposing, its class, and the community it will serve. You must prove that you meet the FCC's spacing requirements and provide a strong enough signal to your entire service area. Be sure to make references to your electronic application so they can associate the two, since you are filing them in two different places.

If your application is approved, you will be required to bid against other applicants for the frequency.

FM Non-commercial Station License
Only non-commercial FM stations can be licensed on frequencies between 88.1 MHz and 91.9 MHz. They also share the frequency band of 92.1 MHz to 107.9 MHz with commercial stations. As with all other licenses, you must apply during a specific filing window, announced by the FCC on its website.

The application for this type of station consists of FCC Form 340, filed electronically. There is no application fee for non-commercial stations, and once applications are accepted, frequencies are allocated on a point system rather than an auction.

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