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How to Build an Antenna

Date:2014/3/8 16:31:58 Hits:
An antenna at the most basic level is a device that collects or emits radio waves. It is made of electricity-conducting material that is tuned to the frequency of a radio wave so it resonates with a radio signal of the same frequency. In its receiving mode the antenna will collect this signal and pass it through to the amplification drive in a radio receiver allowing the sound to be reproduced. Thought the science behind antennas may seem complex, building a simple, vertical quarter-wave antenna is a moderately easy task.


1.Determine the length of your antenna by dividing 234 by the desired operating frequency in megahertz. Determine the location of your antenna adjacent to a tree or vertical surface that is tall enough to accommodate the length of your antenna. Measure a corresponding length of copper or aluminum wire. Cut the wire to length with the wire cutters.
2.Drive the grounding rod into the ground to an optimum depth of 8 feet, but at least 3 feet. Leave several inches of the grounding rod exposed above ground. Attach the grounding clamp onto grounding rod and tighten securely.
3.Tie one end of the wire to one end of insulating material. Glass or porcelain works best, but as an expedient you can use a piece of wood, a plastic bag, nylon rope or even the plastic ring from the neck of a soda bottle. Tie the rope to the other end of the insulating material.

4.Attach the other end of the wire to the radio. Arrange the rope over a point on the tree that is tall enough to accommodate the length of wire and pull the rope until the wire is taut. Tie the rope off.

5.Cut enough wire to reach from the radio to the grounding rod. Attach one end of the wire to the radio and the other end to the grounding clamp.

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