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How to Get Studio Equipment for a Radio Station

Date:2014/3/6 15:18:44 Hits:
Finding the right studio equipment you need for your station depends on your specific radio station needs. Good quality studio equipment is important for a radio station to run smoothly. Different types of equipment, like microphones, produce a certain atmosphere for broadcasting and are essential for a broadcaster in any field.


1.Make a list of studio equipment needed for your radio station. Measure your studio area to determine the size of equipment needed and take notes for your placement of it. Draw a diagram of the placement of the equipment for your radio station.
2.Check out Google Shopping to compare general prices of specific studio equipment for your radio station. Make sure to look at each item you need, including microphones, headsets and broadcast audio consoles. Figure out your spending budget based on general pricing of the equipment you need.

3.Look at online radio station studio equipment shops like Erickson Broadcast Sales and BSW to find the items you need. Pick the online equipment shop that fits your spending budget and be sure to check the return policy. Buy the equipments and schedule a delivery day to the location of your radio shop.
4.Arrange equipment based on the diagram and measurements of your radio station. You need to look at each manual for every equipment item to learn how to work it. Check the manuals to connect cords and turn on equipment properly.
5.Do test runs of your new equipment and return any equipment that malfunctions. Notify radio station broadcasters that work with you of radio equipment tests and results of the tests. Have a new equipment trial run with the radio station broadcasters involved in the production of show.
6.Start using your new radio station equipment daily for shows or sets. Have a purchase list of equipment in an easy to find place. Write down notes of repairs or replacement of the equipment.

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