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Why Did FM Surpass AM Radio?

Date:2014/3/5 14:55:34 Hits:
AM radio broadcasting was created in the early 20th century and it quickly became the main entertainment source for most people in the United States. FM radio broadcasting would be created about 30 years and would slowly start to over take AM radio.

The main reason for FM radio surpassing AM radio is the enhanced quality that FM broadcasting brings. AM broadcasting is far too susceptible to things in the atmosphere affecting the quality of the audio. This simply does not happen when listening to an FM radio broadcast.

While FM radio has been around since the 1930s, it did not fully take over AM radio until the late 1970s. This was the time that almost every music radio station in the United States had made the switch from AM to FM radio. Listening to music on the radio is far more popular to talk radio, so this was the major blow to AM radio.

While FM radio may be the primary source of radio broadcasting, that does not mean that AM radio is dead. There are still countless AM radio stations striving throughout the United States. Most of them are talk, religious or sports radio stations, since they do not require the higher quality of the FM broadcast.

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