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Ten People Who Influenced Early Radio

Date:2014/3/3 11:05:41 Hits:
The invention of the radio was definitely one of the biggest innovations in the past century. It is still used by hundreds of millions of people every day, which is truly remarkable. Few people ever take the time to think of the first people who influenced radio in the first years of its existence.

We cannot ignore the actual person who invented the radio, James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell was the person who developed the radio and figured out how radio waves could travel through thin air. With Maxwell, there would be no radio to this day.

Charles David Herrold, too, cannot be ignored on this list of influential radio icons because he is one of the founders of one of the very first radio stations to ever exist. This radio station is now called KCBS and is located in San Francisco, California.

Harold J. Power contributed his part to radio history as well. He was the owner of a company called American Radio and Research Company which was the first station to broadcast on a daily basis.

Edwin Howard Armstrong has clearly deserved his spot on this list by inventing one of the most common radio waves today; the FM radio band.

Reginald Fessenden was one of the first to broadcast on early radio. He played a little bit of violin and read a few passages from the bible.

Lee Deforest began broadcasting talk shows along with music in 1918 which was set up in High Bridge, NY.

Frank Conrad was one of the few people who were granted permission to broadcast during the radio ban which was brought about during World War 1.

President Roosevelt played his role in early radio by becoming the first U.S. President to broadcast on the air.

Mike Adams was also an icon in radio history by becoming one of the best radio journalists.

Finally there is the man behind all of this; the inventor of the radio; Nicola Tesla. Tesla is the father of the radio and discovered radio waves.

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