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How to Make a Podcast & Put It on iTunes?

Date:2014/3/21 16:41:24 Hits:

How to Make a Podcast & Put It on iTunes

Anyone with an iTunes account can submit a podcast for inclusion in the iTunes Store. There is no charge for this. To submit your own podcast you need a video, audio, or text file available on Web server and an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) file. The RSS file is written in XML (Extensible Markup Language) code and tells iTunes when a new episode has been added to your podcast series, as well as the contents of the podcast and where it is located. RSS files can be made using a text editor, or a free online service.


*Making a Podcast
1.Create the first episode for your podcast. Your podcasts can be audio, video or text. Save the podcast episode in a format supported by iTunes, such as “.m4a,” “.mp3,” “.mov,” “.mp4,” “.m4v,” “.pdf,” or “.epub” format.

2.Upload the podcast file to a Web server. If you will be adding additional podcasts later you should create a new folder on the Web server.

3.Generate an RSS feed for your podcasts. You can use an online RSS creation service You can also create one yourself using a text editor like Notepad.

4.Refer to the RSS template provided on Apple’s “Making a Podcast” website for additional tags specific to iTunes. Some of these are required, such as the “,” “,” and “” tags. If these are not present iTunes will prompt you for these when submitting the feed.

5.Save the RSS file as an “.rss” file and save it to your Web server.

*Putting a Podcast on iTunes
6.Download and install the latest version of iTunes from if it is not already on your computer. Launch iTunes.

7. Create an account in the iTunes store if you do not already have one by clicking the “Sign In” link in the top right corner of iTunes. Select “Create New Account” and follow the online instructions.

8.Click the iTunes Store in the left menu of the iTunes window. Click “Podcasts” at the top of the window. Click “Submit a Podcast” in the right menu of the Podcasts page.

9.Type or paste the Web address for your podcast RSS feed in the text field. Click “Continue.” Wait for iTunes to confirm that the feed is valid. If you are missing required tags in the RSS file, iTunes will ask for the values for those tags.

10.Wait for your podcast submission to be reviewed by iTunes staff and placed in the iTunes store.

11.Edit the “.rss” file whenever you add a podcast episode. This is done by adding a new “” section in the file. The RSS file is scanned by iTunes on a daily basis for updates. When subscribers open iTunes they will be informed that a new episode is waiting.

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