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What Would I Need to Broadcast an FM Signal?

Date:2014/2/18 11:22:10 Hits:

FM radio systems use frequency modulation to transmit sound. AM radio converts sound to a pattern that alters the amplitude, or height, of radio waves. Changing the frequency, as FM broadcasts do, makes it easier to purge random electronic noise from the signal. This produces a cleaner sound.

You don't have to own a regular radio station to broadcast in FM. The Federal Communications Commission allows noncommercial low-power stations to make FM broadcasts of 100 watts of power or less. A 100-watt station has a broadcasting radius of 3.5 miles; a 10-watt station only reaches a couple of miles. The station must be noncommercial and owned by either an educational, public safety or transportation group, not an individual. Low-power stations can broadcast their own material or serve as translator stations resending another station's transmissions.

To broadcast FM, you must have an FM transmitter and a broadcast antenna. You may also need amplifiers, audio processors, a mixer and a rack to mount the equipment. Some manufacturers provide you with most of your equipment mounted on a rack and ready to go, so you just have to plug it into the antenna. The FCC mandates that every low-power station have equipment to pick up emergency alerts from radio, national weather monitors and the Internet.

You can't set up a low-power broadcast if it will interfere with another station's transmissions. The FCC only grants a license if there's space on the FM wavelength to fit a new station in. Your organization must be based within 10 miles of the site of the transmitter to qualify. If you meet the FCC standards, wait for the FCC to announce a filing window, then submit an application online. If you face competition for the slot, the FCC will consider such factors as how many hours a day the competitors are willing to broadcast.

4.A Station

To make FM broadcasts, you'll need a radio station for your equipment. It should be dry and well-ventilated, ideally with no surrounding obstructions that would block the broadcasts. FM signals work best if the site is slightly elevated. If you're not buying a station, you'll have to build one. That requires finding a location with compatible zoning, applying to your local government for a building permit and passing a building inspection when construction is done.

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