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How to Build a Radio Broadcast Studio

Date:2014/11/28 9:24:46 Hits:
In the digital age, building a radio broadcast studio can be done relatively inexpensively. A standard personal computer functions as the heart of the studio, coordinating all the input from the equipment you assemble. Your PC can broadcast your work over the Internet. Aside from the rudimentary technical expertise needed to assemble the physical components of a broadcast studio, you should possess the desire and ability to create compelling audio programming.

Things You'll Need

    Mixing board
    Editing software

    Sound card
    Connection cables


1.Choose a space, preferably small, that you can easily soundproof. The space should be large enough so that you can comfortably sit at a desk and access your computer, but no so large that any sounds you make echo. Soundproof the walls with plush, soft materials that can be easily mounted to a wall.
2.Place your computer on the desk. Plug in the sound card to your computer. Plug in your microphone and headphones to the sound card using connection cables.

3.Plug in your mixing board to your computer and install editing software on your computer. There are a variety of “open source” editing programs on the Internet that you can download for free.
4.Experiment with recording your voice on the microphone, changing the levels with your mixing board, and modifying the results with your editing software. Add other elements, including music and sound effects, if you so desire. Allow time to learn how to work with the equipment to produce the sound you want.
5.Broadcast via the Internet, either through a pre-established "podcast" format, through a streaming audio channel provided by a third-party distributor, or through your own personal website.

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