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Farber: Radio Evolving Beyond Spots

Date:2014/11/25 15:24:41 Hits:
Radio Advertising Bureau President and CEO Erica Farber says the third quarter revenue report, which had digital revenue up 11 percent, highlights the increasing strength of radio's digital platforms. "Advertisers recognize the unparalleled benefits of reaching Radio’s dedicated audiences on every device and platform they are using. In addition, the growth in off-air opportunities for advertisers is a clear indication that Radio is focused on continuing to deliver more innovative solutions to help them reach their consumers. As radio broadcasters continue their focus on reaching consumers and enhancing advertiser ROI through broadcast, digital platforms and new off-air opportunities, advertisers are recognizing that the best way to communicate with consumers and build brands has evolved far beyond simply running a Spot schedule on-air. On-air personality involvements, events, station websites and other digital options continue to generate support, use and results among major brand marketers as well as local businesses.

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