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Low Quality,Few Visits, does Wescast still exists for good?

Date:2013/12/6 9:27:04 Hits:

Low Quality,Few Visits, does Wescast still exist for good?

Webcasts are in our early Internet bandwidth can not meet the demand , in order to use the limited bandwidth of the transmission of multimedia information and the rise and flourish. China's Internet in childhood , listening to the radio for many older users online collective memories. However, with the popularity of broadband networks , people's eyes gradually attract more vivid online video , while users to create their own news "podcast " and " shoot-off " is also more fire , broadcast encountered unprecedented winter. Broadcast supplementary element of people's lives as a "partner " of , so that it does not fall in the fierce competition in the media . However, the advent of the Internet era , but in changing this situation.

March 18, 1997 , Shanghai East Radio "Dream dawn of time " program newly opened "East wide information network " and " yinghaiwei space" co precedent of network broadcasting . February 28, 1998 , the Beijing Economic and radio " tempted 9:00 " Start Webcast . August 13, 1998 , the Central Radio website, " Chinese Radio Network" predecessor registration opened, the central station is one of the oldest central media unit opened Internet sites . China Radio International , the Pearl station , also launched their own online radio. At the time , radio was a lot of people talk about the Internet , people are looking forward to "see" Broadcast and "read" the early arrival of the era of broadcasting .

However, due to lack of enough good content and effective business model , webcasts and online audio programs online video is increasingly becoming a vassal . Professional online radio software since the 2003-2005 outbreak has been no change , webcasts are also in a state of low-level , low threshold of laissez-faire . Currently online broadcasts can be found , in addition to landing on all radio programs outside line on a handful . The Internet radio broadcast which had been high hopes for the broadcast media model , is also in tepid situation.

July 28, 2005 , the central opening of the official Internet radio station " Galaxy Taiwan" , offering live channels , Chinese folk music, classical music , comic sketches and lengthy storytelling and other special thematic channels . December 20, 2005 , Green lemon Internet radio station owes , and opened pilot. This is a network for college students in radio, hosted by the Beijing People's Broadcasting Station . Two radio stations on the Internet are fairly popular , but once the lateral difference between development obviously reflected. Galaxy Internet radio station in this country only in the Alexa global ranking 204,589 bits 23,411 domestic ranking position ; green lemon Radio website global ranking is down to 3,587,584 bits .

Other commercial sites such as QQ and Mop also launched its own Internet radio . But because anchored domain name , we can not draw popularity of these stations ranked by simple comparison . We can only be compared within a website . In example, in the Alexa website, visit population, 21.1% visit is, 13.2% visit is, under which there photo.qq. com, so on. Domain QQ station does not even appear in the list of domain names this string of up to 100 years, in other words , it 's at 100 after qualifying .

In fact , the network seems to be fading out of sight broadcasting professionals. We find the network multimedia-related surveys and statistical data, almost all of the evaluation agencies all eyes are focused on network television or internet video above , but little mention of the network broadcast .

And on mobile platforms , this trend is even more pronounced. China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) " China Mobile Media research report " shows that the use of mobile Internet mobile audio broadcasting service user penetration rate is low , the survey only 3.5 % of users use this service . Unused mobile audio broadcasting service reasons , the most important reason not understand this business from , 30 % of users do not know the existence of such services. In addition, as the complexity of installation and setup work , 28.2% of the users that knows this business , but did not do more to try . Another 19.1% of the users, because the presence of relatively FM mode service , unwilling to pay more in mobile audio broadcasts on .

( Part of the data refer to CNNIC, Eric and "spreading characteristics and development trend of network broadcasting " article )

Comment: the Internet age , radio go?

After the invention of television , many people worry about whether radio will die. But the driver of the car radio to rely on the occupation and college students , the elderly population , still get caught in the living space. Broadcast this as complementary elements of people's lives , " companion " of that it has not fallen in the fierce competition in the media . However, the advent of the Internet era , but in changing this situation.

If the television broadcasting emerged after this period of time before the birth of the golden age of radio , then almost no webcasts golden period , because the network broadcast and network television was born almost simultaneously , compared with the network television broadcast networks , virtually no any advantage , which makes it difficult to form a fixed webcast audience . Webcast because the bandwidth "advantage " and a brief era of prosperity soon as the expansion of broadband and the past . Listening to the radio and listen to TV sound , it has become equally convenient. China Central People's Broadcasting Station broadcast network to obtain the rights to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games rights-holding broadcasters , but this right floating almost any price they brought no charges , because the wide network no competitors . This CCTV network sites such as Sohu scored under heavy attack of the Internet and mobile video broadcast rights , and then resold it to make a killing in stark contrast to the situation .

The Web2.0 era is coming to an unexpected shock radio . Has the rise since 2005 "podcast " and " beat off" the place of " Internet radio " for . "Podcast " technology can be pushed to the front of the audience the latest programs , rather than by the listeners themselves on demand . Moreover, the program can automatically download podcasts to your MP3 player, as long as even a few minutes on the computer every day synchronization , do not go running around with FM radio , and listen to what programs , listen to what phase of the program , are available in small free to decide on the MP3. " Shoot-off " is a personal upload interesting videos or TV series to video sites, these lively programs , whether open or download, and an online radio as easy .

Even the soil behind Webcast - air FM radio seems to have crashed with the progress of the times . Because the car -oriented audience , most radio stations in addition to traffic in a large number of music programs. However, whether car CD, or MP3, podcasts , you can easily replace DJ station. Attractive green lemon Internet radio groups of college students , and now also as the main music station , but, " Baidu MP3" or " Google Music " Compared decisions based on user preferences theme album , without the slightest for .

In recent years , the entity to the sound of the radio as the representative of China , is undergoing a transformation as the center of news , hoping to seize the audience rolling news . However, the network news naturally pay attention to a " fast" , living in bombed information among Internet users already know about to broadcast radio messages . For example in CCTV fire , twitter almost simultaneously in the incident have pictures and scrolling news release , two hours later , the voice of China made the first report . But to be fair, the sound of the traditional media in China is the first to report , the already quite easy. Therefore, the three pillars of Internet radio - news, music and campus development prospects are not optimistic.

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