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Huawei: Radio should establish a data center is different from telecommunications

Date:2013/12/19 12:03:16 Hits:

   Huawei appears on the video transmission and broadcasting applications suffered three " pain points " : The first is to have a more open architecture and uniform plug flow experience , allowing consumers to believe that the use of radio and television network for video consumption , indeed other operators and service providers are different, is broadcasting the advantage, as the basis of broadband telecommunications , and mobile to mobile -focused , like ; secondly , to adapt to the needs of Internet-based content , Internet content and Internet-based content is somewhat different, in the form of Internet content is free to attract the audience, it 's just to meet the basic needs of consumers, however , the characteristics of the Internet content is displayed and the consistency of plug flow mode , increasing the UGC content etc. ; third , it should be given to multi-screen interactive user experience , interaction has become essential in today's business needs, and radio and television VOD system is closed , in order to meet the multi- screen experience , the gateway must be set in the family , related TV , Pad, mobile phones and other devices .

   In the past, radio and television had to suspend the strategic positioning of broadband , it seems, whether it is telecommunications, broadcasting or virtual operators, the whole business is the inevitable trend of development. In telecommunications , for example, 169 package includes not only each other for free between the two phones , 8Mb / s broadband , also includes IPTV, over IPTV, OTT easily overlay services, telecommunications contention , no longer just a broadband into households , or set-top box , but the entrance of the home network , with this entry , they can conduct full-service , integrated ARPU value will be greatly enhanced. Similarly, if you want to carry out full-service radio and television , to build a platform capable of supporting the whole business is a must in this platform , IDC is one of the important modules.

   Established their own IDC, radio and television can get the benefits of at least three aspects : one is the ability of the Internet with large mirror , IDC can save 80% or even 90 % of Internet hotspots content down, to address the high concurrent difficulties ; secondly , IDC can making the provinces interconnection , joint breakout to save the high export costs; third , broadcasting can also create some new value markets, especially the Group's business market , in the past only to provide dedicated services , with IDC, hardware hosting, maintenance, data storage and so become possible.
However, the broadcasting and telecommunications data centers , or different data centers , radio and television should be built based on the video , the development of broadband IDC, Agile , based on the data center has to ensure efficient, green , safety features . The so-called agile , referring to radio and television is not the pursuit of large data centers , not the pursuit of an aircraft carrier -style IDC, but has an open architecture to build a sustainable development of the data center ; efficient means of radio and television online internet data centers not only have mirrored ability , but also has a store at the same time , many media information capabilities , hosting, virtual , distributed computing ; green energy is essential requirements of the current data center , safety-critical , data center hosting is the customer 's core assets, both for Group users or individual users must protect the security of the data.

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